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Brewing Equipment


About 6 years ago, with Mike retired from the insurance world and Steve making the leap from corporate restaurant management to managing a locally-owned Brookside restaurant, they decided to start brewing beer.  Working fewer hours at the restaurant than he was used to provided Steve the opportunity to read and research all aspects of beer brewing.  Both men had a little experience with brewing beer, but they decided to jump in with both feet, creating new recipes and trying them out in   the garage. Nick joined in and soon, on “brew days”, the garage would be filled with family and friends wanting to test their new creations. Steve began to keep track of his recipes and his experiments, and it wasn’t long before, the suggestions started coming in to open their own pub. The family agreed on the name “Hop the Griffin”, in honor of the family name and Steve’s love of the IPA’s created with different hops.


In the meantime, Suzy started her own adventures “traveling the world through wine”. She began buying and researching wines not only from the more traditional wine countries like France and Italy, but from exotic regions as well. On weekends, she and Mike had their own Wine and Cheese Sundays as they began traveling the world without leaving their couch. When the decision was made to open Hop the Griffin, the full name became Hop the Griffin Brew Pub and Wine Bar.


After looking for the perfect spot, the Griffins signed a lease with the Lighthouse Shopping Center and began the long, arduous process of remodeling. Since opening in October 2021, they now have fun activities scheduled for almost every night of the week. Hop the Griffin is becoming known as a fun, cozy neighborhood pub.


Family Picture

Hop the Griffin is truly a family business, and each Griffin has a special part to play.

Steve Griffin, the oldest son, is the Brew Master and General Manager. With experience in restaurant management, Steve knows all the ins and outs that it takes to be a success in the hospitality industry. Steve loves playing with various types of beer recipes, making Hop the Griffin’s beers unique and delicious.


Megan Griffin, Steve’s wife, is the social media guru and mother of 3 little Griffins. Megan has also worked in the hospitality industry and currently has a very successful Etsy business, so she knows and understands what it takes behind the scenes. With her creative photographs and way with words, she is the perfect person to be in charge of our Facebook, Instagram, and the Hop the Griffin web site.

Nick Griffin, the younger Griffin son, is in charge of the pub in the evenings.  After several years in the restaurant business, he has had a long career as a bartender at a local country club. Nick enjoys giving great service, spinning glasses, and creating craft cocktails. Nick can make any drink a patron requests, and is always open to new suggestions.


Suzy Griffin, or “Mom”, recently retired from a 20+ year career in education at a local high school.  While the guys have brewing beer, she has been pursuing her hobby of studying wines. Now, Suzy may be found behind the bar in the afternoons, and uses her skills as a former English teacher and Activity Director to discuss the Book of the Month and host pub events such as the monthly Wine and Cheese Tastings, Monday Trivia Nights.


Mike Griffin, the patriarch of the family, retired from the insurance world 8 years ago. Mike helps with all aspects of the brewing, the bookkeeping, and anything else that needs to be done behind the scenes at Hop the Griffin. Although he tends to stay in the background, the pub wouldn’t be running without him. Mike often says, “I was retired until we decided to open a brew pub! Now, I’m just tired.”

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